This will help your bots "see" better. and move better.
The LOS graph saves in the same file *.nav,
Order of build:
1. Make NAV graph
2. Make LOS graph
3. Save File!
Do that in the editor your bots will work better!
PS: its normal for the file to be from 500k to 1.5mb in size. The larger the map the bigger the file. Also some bases are not bot friendly to see this when you make the Nav look at the jets and nav points that are created (graphicly) and you will see your bot paths!
These can also be modified by placing crates or other objects in the middle of rooms to make the bot path change or to even at times add nodes for the bot.
Go figure.
--CaptoStatistics: Posted by Capto Lamia — Wed Mar 20, 2002 3:23 pm