I've found that I can add, move, delete, or tweak AI Objectives without rebuilding the navgraph or LOS and the bots find them just fine. You can't even add any objectives until you do build a navgraph and LOS first. Just make sure you're happy with the buildings, bridges, etc. before you worry about bot support, and you should only need to build a navgraph once.
Just remember to click save under AIOjectives, and to save the .mis in the world editor when adding, moving, or changing objectives.
One more thing, make sure to change the value of the GraphFile from "OriginalMap.nav" to "YourMap.nav". Otherwise the bots will think the original buildings are still there and won't be able to get around in the new ones.Statistics: Posted by Reaper ~BC~ — Mon Jul 23, 2001 12:49 am