I've tried a couple thing's but no dice.
You know................I just thought of an idea what if we tried grouping them in the world editor? Isn't everything in the map in the world editor part? Doesn't it show like several dropdown list's there?
How are you doing it outside the editor Go4it? I'm guessing in the .mis file.
I think Lagg explained this to me before or I read it in a post somewhere else but I lost my note's on it.
Oh well he'll proably get it in his tutorial sooner or later, though i was hoping after i bumped this old post of mine someone would post how to do it.
It actually work's nicley Lagg had it set up real sweet in his Artic Exposure map. Play the map and watch a bot set up the flag defence he's pretty quick doing it to. The bot get's Flag-D set up long before the first enemy bot get's anywhere near the flag!!! 
Statistics: Posted by ReconSDog — Mon Jul 26, 2004 3:07 am