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TribalOutpost.com Forums 2002-09-15T01:34:49-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/feed.php?f=18&t=3724 2002-09-15T01:34:49-05:00 2002-09-15T01:34:49-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28797#p28797 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> Statistics: Posted by 0-kills — Sun Sep 15, 2002 1:34 am

2002-09-14T19:32:59-05:00 2002-09-14T19:32:59-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28790#p28790 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> Statistics: Posted by Capto Lamia — Sat Sep 14, 2002 7:32 pm

2002-09-14T14:11:33-05:00 2002-09-14T14:11:33-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28773#p28773 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> then just ungroup when done..

Statistics: Posted by TheBerk — Sat Sep 14, 2002 2:11 pm

2002-09-14T13:45:44-05:00 2002-09-14T13:45:44-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28768#p28768 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]>
By ghost I assume you mean 2d :\.

I got that error once, I had done a lot of carving.

The problem was, It wouldn't show up on the problems box :(, so I had to delets a section at time to finnally narrow it down to the peice.

Just look closely, it's hard to find.

Statistics: Posted by Hacker[SOW] — Sat Sep 14, 2002 1:45 pm

2002-09-14T00:37:11-05:00 2002-09-14T00:37:11-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28758#p28758 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> Statistics: Posted by CleverClothe — Sat Sep 14, 2002 12:37 am

2002-09-13T23:22:34-05:00 2002-09-13T23:22:34-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28753#p28753 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> Statistics: Posted by TheBerk — Fri Sep 13, 2002 11:22 pm

2002-09-13T22:41:46-05:00 2002-09-13T22:41:46-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28751#p28751 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> Statistics: Posted by 0-kills — Fri Sep 13, 2002 10:41 pm

2002-09-13T20:40:48-05:00 2002-09-13T20:40:48-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28739#p28739 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> Statistics: Posted by CleverClothe — Fri Sep 13, 2002 8:40 pm

2002-09-13T17:20:30-05:00 2002-09-13T17:20:30-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28723#p28723 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> Statistics: Posted by TheBerk — Fri Sep 13, 2002 5:20 pm

2002-09-13T16:02:56-05:00 2002-09-13T16:02:56-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28715#p28715 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> Statistics: Posted by 0-kills — Fri Sep 13, 2002 4:02 pm

2002-09-13T15:45:45-05:00 2002-09-13T15:45:45-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28713#p28713 <![CDATA[NULL]]> 1. portals.. as these will be invisible..
2. any wall that will not be visible to the outside or inside and will not be seen by the player.
if you do use it and its visible it will only make that section invisible so you would be able to see through it but not able to pass thru it.
: )and yes have it side by side.. just touching..
and it was lava.. oops.. : )

Statistics: Posted by TheBerk — Fri Sep 13, 2002 3:45 pm

2002-09-13T14:41:28-05:00 2002-09-13T14:41:28-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28705#p28705 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> So I must place the brushes line to line and not in side each other
what if i had a null in side a brushe?
BTW i used lava.wad try to see it with that

Statistics: Posted by 0-kills — Fri Sep 13, 2002 2:41 pm

2002-09-13T14:04:11-05:00 2002-09-13T14:04:11-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28703#p28703 <![CDATA[ok]]> 2nd.. carve is a bad idea..
imagine it as a mirror or a plate of glass.. now take a steel pipe and shove that into the sheet of glass.. what happens..? it will shatter into many many pieces... tahts what happens when you carve it creates numerous pieces.. some of which is odd shapped and doesnt work with morian.. so best bet is to clip or vertex manipulation.. I prefer clip myself.. : )
so tehre you go. : )
the null texture is the pink one.. I noticed these as I had lush wad chosen when I loaded and u used badlands so all that showed was the null texture.. : )
it compiled on my computer so it must not be a bad error so I wouldnt worry about it..
lighting.. I prefer less lighting with higher falloffs.. but some prefer to use an enormous amount of lighting so its up to the individual but it will increase your lighting time.. and could cause the error you had..

Statistics: Posted by TheBerk — Fri Sep 13, 2002 2:04 pm

2002-09-13T13:41:11-05:00 2002-09-13T13:41:11-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28700#p28700 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]> (embed brushes)
Carve is a bad thing for 99.999% of situations. how will that affect game play

Statistics: Posted by 0-kills — Fri Sep 13, 2002 1:41 pm

2002-09-13T13:16:39-05:00 2002-09-13T13:16:39-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3724&p=28697#p28697 <![CDATA[Worldcraft lightmaps]]>

I think I need to make a tutorial on making cylinders.

First, somethings... I have said these before, and I will say them again:

- Make sure our vertices line up on the grid

- Carve is a bad thing for 99.999% of situations

- Think about where pieces need to go, then build them what at a time (like legos)

- Do not embed brushes

Those are somethings you need to learn to do to make flawless buildings.

The lighting is actually GREAT! Though some of them could use a little smaller radius. You are doing very well with lighting.

Don't touch those 3 textures. They are only for entitie purposes. And T2 doesn't support their use.

Statistics: Posted by CleverClothe — Fri Sep 13, 2002 1:16 pm
