I am trying to get my .map file in to dif format so that i can use it with T2 (following the "official" docs of course)
the problem i am having is during compile it can't seem to find the t2's textures
i have extracted them to base/textures/badlands (using the badlands textures)
and my command line reads
map2dif -o base/interiors -t base/textures v-pad.map
can it says it can't find the texture, i am using (simple shape, just a big box really with BD-IFO01 as texture)
I have tried following command lines as well
map2dif -o base/interiors -t base/textures/badlands v-pad.map
map2dif -o base/interiors -t base/textures/badlands/bd_ifo01.png v-pad.map
thing to note map2dif is located in T2 root (Tribes2/gamedata). as suggest by the docs.
Anyone have any idea why it would vex me in such a manner (using Command Prompt btw, which i don't think matters). Any suggestion other than use morain, idea, solutions even.Statistics: Posted by Roy Fokker — Sun Mar 16, 2003 8:47 pm