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[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/feed.php on line 186: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3897)
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TribalOutpost.com Forums 2001-08-07T02:13:11-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/feed.php?f=6&t=456 2001-08-07T02:13:11-05:00 2001-08-07T02:13:11-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=456&p=3705#p3705 <![CDATA[Question regarding water]]>
Remember that this is 3D and you will have to use more then 4 blocks of water to do what you are wanting to do

you will need a total of 6 blocks

2....one on top and one on the bottom of the base
2....one on the left side of the base, one of the right side of the base
2....one on the back side of the base, on on the front side of the base

Statistics: Posted by Sfphinx — Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:13 am

2001-08-06T09:22:11-05:00 2001-08-06T09:22:11-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=456&p=3643#p3643 <![CDATA[Question regarding water]]> Statistics: Posted by powdahound — Mon Aug 06, 2001 9:22 am

2001-08-06T08:27:36-05:00 2001-08-06T08:27:36-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=456&p=3639#p3639 <![CDATA[Question regarding water]]> Statistics: Posted by Dev — Mon Aug 06, 2001 8:27 am

2001-08-05T19:14:40-05:00 2001-08-05T19:14:40-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=456&p=3567#p3567 <![CDATA[Question regarding water]]> |-----------------| <- first block
|------|----|-----| <- second, third, and fourth
|-----------------| <- fifth

you can't cut a hole, sorry :(
i dont know about the viscosity part, but i do know that underwater bases dont really work :(

Statistics: Posted by powdahound — Sun Aug 05, 2001 7:14 pm

2001-08-04T01:41:03-05:00 2001-08-04T01:41:03-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=456&p=3419#p3419 <![CDATA[Question regarding water]]>
Viscosity is taken from the root of Viscous which means:
Having relatively high resistance to flow
(taken from Dictionary.com)

So unless I am just really tired I don't think that making a water block with a viscosity of 6 and then putting a block of water inside of with the viscosity of -6 probably wouldn't work.

Anyways thats my 65 cents in the matter.

Statistics: Posted by Sfphinx — Sat Aug 04, 2001 1:41 am

2001-07-27T23:40:35-05:00 2001-07-27T23:40:35-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=456&p=2997#p2997 <![CDATA[Question regarding water]]>
Oops...I just reread this thread...you want to create an underwater building with no water in it. Sorry, I haven't had a need to add water to a map yet, but maybe I'll goof around with it and let you know what I find, or maybe you'll get lucky and someone who knows the answer and doesn't babble so frikkin much will help you first :rolleyes:

Statistics: Posted by Akira — Fri Jul 27, 2001 11:40 pm

2001-07-27T19:32:39-05:00 2001-07-27T19:32:39-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=456&p=2985#p2985 <![CDATA[Question regarding water]]> But I dunno anything.

Statistics: Posted by Star — Fri Jul 27, 2001 7:32 pm

2001-07-27T19:14:12-05:00 2001-07-27T19:14:12-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=456&p=2981#p2981 <![CDATA[Question regarding water]]> Statistics: Posted by Dev — Fri Jul 27, 2001 7:14 pm

2001-07-27T17:22:27-05:00 2001-07-27T17:22:27-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=456&p=2975#p2975 <![CDATA[Question regarding water]]> Statistics: Posted by Star — Fri Jul 27, 2001 5:22 pm

2001-07-27T15:09:35-05:00 2001-07-27T15:09:35-05:00 http://tribaloutpost.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=456&p=2968#p2968 <![CDATA[Question regarding water]]> Statistics: Posted by Dev — Fri Jul 27, 2001 3:09 pm
