I use both adobe and psp but iether will work, i like to start out with a black or grey background and start increasing variouse areas in lightness from black to pure whit pure whit will be your highest point of the terrain, for instance select a spot u want a hill mountain, platau etc. (with the selection tool eh) create a new layer fill you selection in with a lighter tone the lighter the higher, deselect the area use a motion blur say 10 pixes at 90 then do it again at 0 degress guaffussion blur works also, then i useally and some errosion by using the smudge tool in adobe in psp its ummm hmmm(damn short term memery) there it is looks like a hand they call it retouch tool in psp set it to smudge in the tool option. set opacity same place and size. smudge around a bit use the motion blur again like i mentioned above or guafussion blur (how the hell do u spell it anyways) make more layers and more hills (start out with a gray background if u want to carve valleys and hills. finally merge all visable layers and try the motion blur again (@512x512 10 pixels at degrees and 10 at 90 degrees)
resize it to 256x256 and save to base\terrains\hieghtfield as a png format, start tribes enter the editor goto the terraformer use the bit map command, select your png set your hiegth in the genral option and water level. click apply check it out and go back and adjust hiethfield pic if neccesary.
you say you want plateus (typos typoes typoes doh!)
after u combine your layers to add those platues and levels to your terrain mess around with the posterization under colors in psp. Im using psp7 so if u dont see some of these commands try hitting the help button and see were they are on previouse versions, blur a little after u posterize also combine a posterized layer with the orignal and mess around with the settings in the layer pallette cntl-L in psp...
try and make them as seamless as possable as the editor will tile the image/terrain
now that you and I both are throughly confused go play some t2 and read again 
18 hours and still ticking
toke out............
oh yeah that reminds me heres a few examples:

Statistics: Posted by ToKrZ — Sun Aug 12, 2001 9:38 pm