Link /|\ there for you. It is in the tools section of this website under the Tribes 2 area... I use Winzip, but that may help you.
Just do as Golarth says. Make a folder with 2 sub folders: Missions and Terrains.
Put the .mis file in the missions folder and your spawn file in the terrains folder. If you are doing a Client side map you'll put your terrain file in there too (Terrains folder) and customer interiors go in a new folder called "interiors" which will be in the directory of where your missions and terrains folders are. Good luck and feel free to post any more questions 
Also pay attention to the
// MissionTypes = CTF
as he said. If it is anything different from all other maps then it will just appear as a new mission type...Statistics: Posted by Jugger d — Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:22 am