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Also include an impassable terrain of some sort and only provide the attackers with vehicles. In this fashion, the defenders will have to focus on d and not assaulting the attackers since it wouldn't be possible.
Also take out shrikes/wildcats to promote teamwork.
Here's another approach to Star's idea...make a large [well-designed] custom base, restrict defending respawns to designated areas inside the base [might be tricky], and place enemy-only force-fields around all the entrances. Call the map 'siege' .
As another thought, you can make turrets indestructible...couldn't you do the same for the O's inventory stations and whatnot?
"Anyway star, I do agree with the idea, but it wouldn't hold up since there are many siegers who thrive on pissing off the other team rather than doing anything useful (Kamikaze Samurai or many people in the wow! tribe come to mind)".
I don't think I know you, but let me lay down some facts for you.
I don't "Thrive on pissing other people off".
I play for the fun, not the win.
I try and be as useful as possible to my team.
I don't spam, and I never V-pad attack (I only go after my friends on those rare occassions).
I lance, that's what I do. You come at my base, I am going to cut you off and go for the lance. That's not to piss you off, that's to keep my team alive. On Offense, I will go for the gens, the cap, sensors, turrets, and the enemy. I play for my team.
I usually get comments like the above from people who I have lanced over and over. I'm guessing your one of those. It's not personal on my part, and in all honesty I'm looking to have fun with my team and the enemy. If you get annoyed, thats your problem.