Renegades 4.0b Server Update
MAJOR update to Renegades 4.0, including the admin security bug. You must have Renegades 4.0 (EXE or ZIP) before installing this update.
Everything Tribes. Maps. Scripts. Styles. More.
MAJOR update to Renegades 4.0, including the admin security bug. You must have Renegades 4.0 (EXE or ZIP) before installing this update.
Renegades 4.0 official release.
This is the full Starsiege: Tribes game, make sure you grab the update patches too!
Last OGL sanctioned version of Renegades.
This will install the complete version of Renegades Classic 1.1a on your Tribes Server.
This will update your classic server to 1.1B. You must have Renegades Classic 1.1a or later installed before installing this update. Extract to dynamix\tribes\renegades, see readme for full details.
Renegades 5.0 was released by Zed, not directly as an official Renegades version. See the instructions in the Tribes/config directory (in the zip) for details.
This will update your classic server to 1.1C. You must have Renegades Classic 1.1a or later installed before installing this update. Extract to dynamix\tribes\renegades, see readme for full details.