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I just finished making something in worldcraft and now my portals wont work any more. Here is what happened. I made the whole building, then I selected all and null textured the whole thing. I then textured all the visable areas and after that I found all the brushes that touched and Tied to entity\Detail them. I tried to compile the building after all this and now the light from outside is getting in, but before I tie to entity\detail it it compiled fine and no light got in. I noticed that by doing the tie to entity\detail thing that I lost over 300 faces on the whole thing. could this cause it? or is it something else? What can cause this? I hope you guys know. Here is the text from the process window. Will the Orphaned Polygons warning I got cause this trouble? I was told before that there is nothing you can do about that warning and it's not a big deal. you can see that it's compileing wrong because it shows 3 portals and only one zone. there were 3 zones before and I havent touched anything at all, just textured it.
any ideas?
I can only say that that sounds like a hard way to do it...
but to each his own...
i think best bet is to post it and see if we can debug it.. I dont get what the problem by your explanation.. I am slow that way... : )
hahaha well i kinda suck at explaining stuff so im sure it's my fault you cant understand it. what im saying is that i finished up the thing and after tie to entity\detail my portals no longer keep the light out.
The problem is that you went WAY OVERBOARD with regard to detail entities. They are only suppose to be used in certain cases and only and "decorations". They do not seel a portal zone.
Here is what you should do (base on what you said). Select all the brushes except for the portals. Then press the "To World" button.
I'll post some picks with brushes that could be made into detail entities selected. That way you can see what should be done. See attachment.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, ok, thanks. I always thought you HAD to detail everything if it touched. Thanks CleverClothe i'll give this a try. All i need to detail are brushes that touch like in your pic then. That will make it much easier.
well I figured I would post pica of what you guys helped me fix up. It's not for Tribes2 exactly, well it is but it's gonna be for Tribes2RPG, better known as IronSphere. Im sure some of you guys have seen the TRPG servers on the Tribes1 server list, this is for Part2 in Tribes2. the first pics are the updated ones with textures aligned and the second buch are from the when ifirst made it. Thefirst bunch are what it's going to look like, except for the fact that it's darker inside, i had to brighten the pics up in PSP6 so you could see it. oh ya and who ever made these textures, Thx they rox.