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This is compiled from my general knowledge of WC... If I'm wrong, fix me.
1) Decals dont work, T2 doesn't use em, sorry.
2) In my experiance, only use carve in VERY simple matters. Use it when you KNOW the only outcome is a bunch of regular rectangular blocks or something simple like that... you can use it a tad more complexly once you get the hang of it, but try to avoid that.
3) "Aside from lights and the actual modeling/texturing, what needs to go in?"
I hope I understand the porblem here, but as for ALL the steps for an object there are:
A. Modeling (actual assemly of blocks)
B. Texturing
C. Lighing
E. Portals
F. Detail enities
As for you comiling problem, you should make screenies of your: Game Configurations; Build Programs; Textures (all under tools/options); and your Run Command box (F9).
1. correct.. dont work
2. do not i repeat never use carve..
use clip or vertex manipulation..
clip can do as much as carve if you know how to use it..
and much cleaner..
carve i think was a bad idea to implement in worldcraft..
3. correct
4. post screenies of what he said and we will see whaere your going wrong..
how do you make your bases?
Dont tell me you make a huge block and just carve it up...
mine are done with brushes..
first I start out with a floor.. then add walls..
then cap it with a roof.. to make angles I use clip..
like for the roof, i will clip off at a 45 degree angle, thus getting angled roofs..
I never use carve.. it makes too many brushes and some of them are bad..
to make the underground just do the same thing.. make a square wall tube going down and then go from there..
null the outside since it wont be seen and just make your underground using floors,walls,roofs.
I took 1 year of architectural drafting so for me it is fairly simple..
But I would advise against carve..
unless you have little other option.. but I have not found any reason to use it so I dont..
Detail entity's I think are like there but dont count as a brush? I believe details are the ones the bots cant see so they run into them all the time..
LOD's are level of detail.. ie if you run backwards from a base you will notice it start to back clip the base.. like parts disapear.. same thing with lod's they usually use 3 or more.. ie up close full abse.. go back a few 100 mtrs and the inside will be gone move back further the details on the outside disapear. til you dont see it anymore..
but only bad part is if you use full view in map it will look weird..
like vis distance of 1000 mtrs or more..
I dont know tho how it all relates so I havent played with it..
its more of a fps issue.. but most peoples cards are good enough it isnt a problem.. unless you use an ungodly amount of details.. : )
a wc grid of 32 equals one tribes mtr.. I think.. : )
so 3 grids would be a heavy height.. I think.. : )
A portal is easy.. just make your portal/brush and extend it into the walls surrounding it by one grid.. it has to be embedded completely..
now set the null texture up and make the brush completely null..
then right click on the highlighted brush/portal and choose tie to entity. a dialog box will come up saying something about light not shining thru.. choose that ad exit.. it is now a portal and tribes 2 light will not enter your base.. : )
and as for carve/clip issues..
look at this pic and tell me carve is better.. : )
possibly an objective.. well capturable..
I am toying with 4 designs for my Egyptia map.. like capturable points. thus extending your range with out posts..
it was clip that did that..
took me about 10 minutes to make
I lost count at 4,324 lol
I was looking and I think actually face count is probably around 1300...
but I wouldnt want to try to compile it.. may make my computer explode..lol
Actually, I took a sphere that someone made (you know who you are, but I dont) and made it a bit better looking, I made the cones, and DLed the staircase .