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thing to note map2dif is located in T2 root (Tribes2/gamedata). as suggest by the docs.
Anyone have any idea why it would vex me in such a manner (using Command Prompt btw, which i don't think matters). Any suggestion other than use morain, idea, solutions even.
I've tried putting the map in the same dir as the map2dif (tribes2/gamedata)
i've tried the following command lines
-v -h -o base\interiors -t base\textures $path\$file.$ext (in WC)
i have my textures in base\textures\badlands (using the badlands.vl2 textures, they are extracted).
i still get the same problem [Unable to texture "BD_IFO01" (.png or .jpg)] the textures are there in png format.
i downloaded it from gg site.
i also tried self compiled version, i know what file the error is from, i know that its search paths can't find, the png file, i don't yet understand how it searches though, working on it.
As for why am i not just using morain. i really don't have a reason.
anyways, have tried all possible methods i can think of getting to work.
i put it forward to you ppl
Below is the rmf file i am trying to export (just a test, the object wasn't made by me BTW it is made by Inflame)
notice that most of the object is in null texture, except for someparts,
if you can get it to convert to dif using map2dif. tell me your WC config, and the fgd and the map2dif command line you used.
ok i have tried it with no null textures, anywhere, i still get the same error.
And please trust me, when i say i've run it from the root dir of T2, in every possible way.
I have also tried running it from the WC to no sucess.
Have you guys managed to export it, with the use of map2dif?
if you have, then, my problem could be solved. just tell me your WC configs, and dir structures.
my current directory structure is as such
c:\games\tribes 2\gamedata\map2dif
c:\games\tribes 2\\gamedata\base\textures\badlands\(where texture is)
c:\games\tribes 2\worldcraft\(where all the wads are)
c:\program file\hammer\map\(where the map file is)
I got it to work, with a very enlightening insight from Shalos, and my thanks you Shalos.
the reason i was having problems is because the paths and the way i had them.
For WC side of the thing, it was as simple as changing the path in the game congif (tools->options) to select %tribes2-dir%/gamedata.
I had not included the gamedata folder previously, since it asks for the game folder which of course i took to mean Tribes 2 folder, and not its sub folder.
for Command line side, i need to include full paths from the c drive on, for all aspects namely the map out, textures and location to the map file.
I think CC meant to say the same thing. i might have (did) misunderstood him. Sorry.