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you can always right click on the red x and open properties and then copy and paste link into browser and go.. and I am adding some detail but not alot so it wont eat the fps..
damn...ive never gone for a full scale base befor...just little things. maybe its time i braodend my horizons i might start working with the egyptia textures again.
berk, its hard to keep track of what your working on, seems like every couple weeks, you start a new project, and never hear of the previous ones
most of the things end up in my maps..
then I have my private reserve maps and shapes that go into my game.. if it looks good and is neat I end up using it in a T2 map.. if its awesome and cool I save it for my game..
if it ends up looking like crap it goes in the Recycle bin.. so some things have been used some have not and some will be at a later date.. I have quite a bit that is in various stages of completion too.. This one will be my biggest project yet.. so it depends on when I get it done whether I will use it for T2 or T3 or for my game.. and yes you can use worldcraft for T3.. in a way.. there is a way to open map files in 3ds max and then just convert it over to what T3 will use.. woot!
thats cool how you can convert WC to T:V. since this will be your biggest project yet, im hoping that the base wont be so large and cause people on low end systems to crash happened to me on scarabrea all the time. never actually got to play that damn map till i got my new uber pc
when its done I will use lods (for the first time) to help remove some of the high fps issues.. so if your not looking inside you wont see anything anyways so I will remove that in the lod.. also I will be making the base in such a way as all the action will be inside.. I dont think I will have any way to go outside..
I am thinking a moon scape like eeps moon map.. and make it in such a way that you start in a dropship and fight your way into the main base.. by means of a ff bridge..
so if you cant go outside and most of the action is inside then fps wont be a issue.. just dont look outside..
is it gonna be for a siege map? an how would you get into the base via drop ship and FF bridge if theres now way to go outside in the first place?
also, i was wondering, you know how some hallways have some elaborate shapes? and those hallways often take you either up or down in direction? well how do you rotate your selection in WC so that its nice and even with the original level surfaces of the hallway?