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Well, that makes it easier. You only need so many raycasts to tell if there is terrain within only 7 meters. Maybe call it once or twice a second, and the bot will be able to correct itself easily enough.
You wouldn't need raycasts behind the vehicle (yeah, if its going backwards, it might crash. So? You're going backward. Eyes on the back of the bots head aren't realistic).
Lagg, you're nuts. If you don't get widespread acclaim across the tribes 2 community for this kind of scripting work... 'twould be a shame.
Well I got the Shrike Bot working pretty dam reliable (I mean he only crashes and burns a few times, but I have seen NooBS that can't pilot as good). Besides he really does OwN against other Flying vehicleS and I got him to try and run into Players heh, heh.
Since I have him attacking MPBs from a safe distance if deployed (if he is within missile range he tries to fly in really close to close the range so MPB Turret can't get a target on him, then he kills it). I have updated my Scripts so when a Bot Deploys the MPB a AIORepairMobileBaseVehicle Objective is created (works pretty cool, the Repair Bot stands on the roof of MPB and repairs and throws flares to protect it). Who's the man
I will be working on these scripts intill Tribes Vengence comes out (and if TV is not as good as we all hope it to be a lot longer).
To answer your reply the bot does fly backwards (because the shrike has a mind of its own and if you tilt it up to aim at something you find yourself going backwards). But that is not my problem, you see for the Shrike Bot to be effective he has to stay at a Safe Distance from Turrets and find a good spot to take Aim and start shooting. But when you tilt the Shrike Down a little to Aim the dam Shrike starts moving foward on you. I don't have a command to Move Backwards (I have scripted a little Bot Cheat that compensate this action). But he can only Tilt a few Degrees because the Dam Shrike has an Auto Stabilizing Feature that messes up things when mounted by a Bot (Shrike Does Different Things when AI is the Pilot than when a human (notice human has no capitol H heh, heh) is mounted in it. So I have to work with what I got and it ain't much. Like when a human fires the Shrike Weapon did you ever notice that the Game cheats a little and the Projectiles always hit the Aiming Recticle no matter how far or close you are aiming at? I did not notice that intill I got the Bot to Fire the Weapon, I get two Straight Shooting Projectiles that Never Hit the Center of the Target at any Range. They are 4 meters apart and run Parallel from the Two Guns all the way to their Max range (acually makes it easier to hit Large Targets like enemy vehicles, but really screws things up when trying to aim at a Player or a Sensor). The Two Shoots go Right Past The Target On both sides (so I scripted a little into his Aiming Point and alternate the Position so he Aims a little Left and in the next Frame (Frames Per Second) he aims a little to the Right of Target (2 meters to be exact) so Both shoots Hit the target Dead On. There is more but I have to leave somethings up to suprise for my next Map
That "cheat" the game uses is just the retardedness of getMuzzeVector() (I think). Like you said, you always hit in the center of the reticle (with the addition of any spread), but when you go into 3rd person mode, it goes the direction that the gun is pointing. Heres how you can see it in action. Start a game, do an animation in 1st person, and fire (do an animation that points the gun in a completly different direction), and then, do the same animation in 3rd person, and fire.
Here is a video .rec file that you must unzip and place in C:/Dynamix/Tribes2/GameData/Base/Recordings folder then start up Tribes 2 and go watch the recording.
Here you will see how the Shrike Bot navigates a safe position to fire at a deployed MPB and then he runs down a Bot defending the flag.