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already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3897) TribalOutpost.com Forums • View topic - The future of t2maps.com and tribesvmaps.com
well theres always an alternative to donations.... advertisements
DNS can be provided cheap ((like 8$-15$ a month)) so it isnt too costly and no-ip.com ((where i would go for DNS)) has a thing where you place an little gif image on your website's homepage and then everyone who clicks on it makes you a "no-ip" dollar which can pay for a domain, but we would have to get a tax ID number or something like it unless someone has a small buisness here i have no idea how or where to get them
surge designs might be able to help with the design they did the design for that site so if we arent constrained by time they might be able to help for free
as for webspace im not sure what we would do there...
we are what we reapetedly do therefore excellence is not an act but a habit
I have my website about 80% completed. I do plan on providing a map vault when I can get everything setup correctly. Probably within this next week or so. My domain is already paid for and bandwidth isnt an issue. The forums would probably have to start from scratch since its running phpbb instead of vbulletin.
do you mean a interior database for TVmaps.com or a interior database for T2
SS mentioned something abbout it in thhe miscellaneose forum but a TVprefabs (with updates) would own or a databs withing the mapping site would also be cool
maybe a custom texture and object broowser would be spiffy as well
we are what we reapetedly do therefore excellence is not an act but a habit
I'm all for it, but what of static meshes? Include them as well?
Also, under the interiors 'simgroup' there should be another catagory or two, for other buildings that are tribes-base-like, but not of the three powers there.
Well, I had a very serious offer from a_tiny_fishie of The Pond fame, but he's fallen off the face of the planet. I'm still waiting to hear from him before I move to the next offer. If anyone knows a valid email address for the fishmeister, PM me.
Don't worry guys, the site will live on in some form. Thanks for all the support. For now, it's business as usual.
"If at first you don't succeed, die and die again."