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Has anybody been able to create terrains larger then what we can now? Bigger than 2,000 k (or hwat ever measurement used)? I want to create a terrain that's like about 15,000 or larger.
ummm...how would you add more than one terrain file? Adding more terrain blocks? Might work I'm not sure if the Tribes 2 engine would display it correctly.
If I wanted to create a larger mission area i just manually change the size of the mission area. If that what you want?
Sometimes you need room to mess around. I once thought about making a Stargate-like map (remember the movie?). However, to make the tubes and effects work properly, I needed a REALLY big map. To get the effects working, I had to make people move EXTREMELY fast (in excess of 10000 kph) in zero-grav tubes (a combination of Gumby triggers and Zera's tubes) over a VERY, VERY long distance. However, the distance was about 10 map lengths, so I had to toss the idea. I could only get water in one of my bases, and needed it in both....oh, well.
"There is no problem which cannot be solved via the proper application of high explosives."
Tried adding terrains and no luck. I reallized that when you go into the command view that you can only see an area of about 4096h x 4096w. So all I did was extend the size of the boundries to fit that size. Placing the bases at opposit corners makes them at about 5671k apart.
The reason I want to create larger maps is for the Makaze MOD. That and for more possibilities in layouts of missions. The larger the map, the more possibilities. And a larger map tends to need more team work than smaller maps do.
OK, got a problem since I extended the mission area. The Command View doesn't display the map. All it shows is a black screen where the map normally is. Any suggestions?
OK, figured out why the map was coming up black. Inorder to show the entire mission area, the game automaticly zooms out at a great height. In the instance of my map, it was so high that the map shows up black. To see the terrain, and to do Command stuff, you need to zoom in till you see the terrain.
But, as ussual, ran into another problem. Can't create spawnpoints with the graphing thingy. Maybe it was a bad startup of the game or something but it gives me an error. Could be also due to the size of the map. Truthfully, I have no clue at this time. I may need some help from others if I can't get it to work. Just need someone to try and create the spawnpoints and see if they get an error as well. Will get back soon with info.
If it works, going to try a 20,000W x 20,000L map. We'll just see what happens 1st.
OK, wasn't a bad start with the game. It's the game itself. I don't think the game itself can handle a map larger then what it was intended for. Searched throught the scripts and nothing there for spawn graphs. Well this just sucks. There goes some really cool map ideas right out the damn window.
If I recall correctly, Zear went through EXACTLY what you are going through. In fact, he created a new spawn method to combat this. Drop him an email, maybe he can help. I did a quick search and couldn't find his post.