
Local Taunt by |TIA|Quarmal

Controls Keybind

instead of a random local animation like localspammer, this script lets you define a single keystroke for each animation. Its cumbersome on your keyboard controls, but then again, you don't have to assign them all at once.

Pilot Mode II by Barbarian


Increase mouse sensitivity whilst pilot, makes it much easier to control the vehicle. This is a rewrite of Crunchy's PilotMode 2, I have added Team Aerial Combat vehicle support (as of TAC beta 0.55), fixed a couple bugs, and moved the config screen from a keybinding to support.vl2's scripts window.

Flare Say by Barbarian


Provides two key binds designed for tailgunners of bombers. Tailgunner Flare Say will say over teamsay how many flares you have left. Grenade + Flare say is designed to replace the normal throw grenade key, and will also, if you're a bomber tailgunner, give a warning on 3,1, and 0 flares left.