Gunship Battle -Revised- by _Tex on February 20, 2003

Capture the Flag Desert Raining

There were problems reported with my map Gunship Battle. Rather than correct those mistakes and completely throw out a map that was exactly as I wanted it to be *and my personal favorite map of all time* I decided to make a sequel of sorts to said map.

Gunship Battle -Revised- does not have the Force Field scripts that were so notoriously crashing servers. Instead there are in fact no force fields at all on the main bases which eliminated the need for a Force Field Gen tower nearby, so that as well was removed. In exchange I added a second objective where bombers, havocs, what have you can go for repairs and to get away from a chasing enemy.
There are still no shrikes, if you have a bomber/havoc problem, you better get a bomber of havoc of your own up to stop them.

The two maps were made with Bomber/Havoc VS Bomber/Havoc battles in mind.


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by Ensign Munro on February 23, 2003 · Rating:

*looks at the second screenshot* Now THAT, is some serious vpad bomber cover. Good job tex.

by CaptainDeath on May 28, 2003 · Rating:

I have seen people bomb under that....they just swing in from the side on the right angle and they can blow the suckers under it to hell.