Overall Summation of all statistics for the tournament
Statistic | Value |
Matches | 34 |
Scrims | 44 |
Players | 122 |
Score | 28428 |
Kills | 8942 |
Deaths | 9118 |
Suicides | 3998 |
Teamkills | 714 |
Caps | 272 |
Grabs | 268 |
Matches Averages per match for the tournament
Statistic | Average |
Score | 364.46 |
Kills | 114.64 |
Deaths | 116.90 |
Suicides | 51.26 |
Caps | 3.49 |
Grabs | 3.44 |
Team Kills | 9.15 |
Scrims Averages per scrim for the tournament
Statistic | Average |
Score | 447.54 |
Kills | 153.94 |
Deaths | 156.28 |
Suicides | 64.97 |
Caps | 4.18 |
Grabs | 4.12 |
Team Kills | 11.22 |
Players Averages per player for the tournament
Statistic | Average |
Score | 286.13 |
Kills | 98.42 |
Deaths | 99.92 |
Suicides | 41.54 |
Caps | 2.67 |
Grabs | 2.63 |
Team Kills | 7.17 |