HalLock Warning by Halide
Flashes warning text and red reticle frame when a missile is locked onto you.
Everything Tribes. Maps. Scripts. Styles. More.
Flashes warning text and red reticle frame when a missile is locked onto you.
Alerts Heads Up Display Weapon
Warns when you're low on ammo. Option to change weapons after you run out of ammo.
Places a blinking message on-screen when you have the enemy flag.
Popup alerts about repair kits and use them when picked up.
Team Rabbit 2 - Helps you and your team keep track of the flag by canned chat messages. And, shows a message under your reticle when you get, or drop, the flag.
Warns when you're low on ammo. Option to change weapons after you run out of ammo. Edited by -Liquid- for True-Havoc.
Um Disables & reminds you that there is "No Gobal Chat" in Tourney Matches.