Crowsnest Pass SE by Sabre on January 17, 2004

Capture the Flag Lush Clear Client Side

Based on the original Crowsnest Pass, this version represents what I had always envisioned for this map.

The original was done before the editor allowed for painting textures onto the terrain to make roads. This one also uses a different base which is more suitable for a lush map, and isn't quite so cavernous.

It is still the same size at just over 2000m between flags so I know it won't be to everyones liking, but it should play well in the "large epic battles" that Tribes was intended to offer, and I'm very happy with the way it turned out.


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by Sabre on January 19, 2004 · Rating:

In the editor click on "Window" and choose "Terrain Texture Painter" and then click on the texture that you want to paint on to your terrain.

Be sure to select an appropriate brush size first for what it is you want to paint. I generally use a soft circle brush, size 1 or 3 depending on the size of the area I want to paint.