Ewoksrena by Disgruntal Ewok on April 17, 2004

Arena Desert Clear Client Side Custom Textures

Just your basic two team arena map. The terrain is from "Sarlacc Pit", a Football map. I took the existing terrain and built an arena map around it.


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by WetOkole on April 19, 2004 · Rating:

w00t! Nice map for a 2 vs 2 map! Me likeys! One thing though and i think you noticed it (not sure) You might have to lower the time limit to 3 mins if i am right for a Arena map, unless it was my settings! Other than that totally awesome! Can't wait for your CTF map buddy. Keep it up

by Dark_Harlequin on April 19, 2004 · Rating:

Pretty good map ewok... keep up the good work!

Just a few suggestions though as i played the map with a few people:

1) I think the boundries whould be pushed back a little so those spikes from the wall can be used a bit more tactically.
2) Not sure if you're too concerned about this but a quick player could get in heavy (if allowed by the server) and lob a few mortars right beside the invos. In a bigger game that would hurt the play a bit i think.
3) I like the indoor parts but it seems no one wants to use them that much (due to how close people are i think).

by RG_Crusader on April 19, 2004 · Rating:

Agrees the boundery should be bigger, and the outside a little bumpier. I like this map, but I am not a fan of client side maps.

by kLUMSY bOT on April 21, 2004 · Rating:

FINALLY! someone brings some DIFFERENCE to a deathmatch map. This is innovative! Love the idea of spikes on the walls. terrain could be a little bumpier, and i'm not too sure about the choices of buildings (mix of blood eagle, starwolf and cotp) if you kept it more continuous, i'd give an A. Or if you made bot support ;-)

by Chibi Otaku on May 6, 2004 · Rating:

Description: Just your basic two team arena map. The terrain is from "Sarlacc Pit", a Football map. I took the existing terrain and built an arena map around it.