Fumarole by Lagg_Alot on June 30, 2004

Siege Volcanic Foggy Bots Night

This Siege mission has 3 Solar Panels to gain access to the Defender’s Base. Two Main Generators as well as one Reserve Generator exposes the Switch. The Defenders are going to have to work hard in this mission. The Solar Panels power separately the Entrance Inventory Stations and their Force Fields. Spawns are linked to the Main Generators causing the Defenders to only Spawn Outside if they are down . The Reserve Generator is deep in the cellar and well Defended, it powers 2 Inventory Stations and a Sentry Turret. It will not be easy to Defended the Objective Switch if it is exposed. This is a Lava based mission so no ground vehicles are available. But use of Bombers and Havocs should prove valuable to the attackers. I have included with this mission my latest advanced AI code to really gives the Bots some personality. I hope you enjoy.


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by kittenstomper2 on June 30, 2004 · Rating:

excellent map i have played this map on ur server for a long time and i think it is worthy of an A+ plz keep these maps comin

by MagicFire on July 1, 2004 · Rating:

I played this map when it was on your server.... IT ROCKS! Finally the Bots can chauffeur us around... and kick some aerial butt! I LOVE IT.