
Blood Lust by Doobie on May 14, 2001

Bounty Capture the Flag Deathmatch Hunters Rabbit Team Hunters Volcanic Clear Bots Night

An emergancy evacuation on the hostile planet of Valcus 7 has forced the Inferno and Storm tribes to flee into the flying fortress high above the volcanic land. Now the two sides fight in close quaters to claim controll of the only safe haven. This map was designed for the fans of BloodBath in Tribes. This map is server side, so only the Server Admin's need to download it.

Ceremony by Doobie on May 7, 2001

Bounty Capture the Flag Deathmatch Hunters Other Rabbit Team Hunters Lush Clear Bots

This sacred ground is used for pagentry and medal ceremony's. However even in times of celebration violence can take hold, and whole battles could be fought over sacred ground. The Ceremony area is located on Gelatinus Prime, a planet known for it's unuseual water properties... This map need only be downloaded by Server Admins.