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Kantar - Tank Run v2. <P> Updated Version, new starting gui, mission is longer. <P> Commander we are loosing the Derms have a new tank and its kicking our butts right off this planet. This new Photon tank is very dangerous so dont stand still when it shoots! We need you and your team to hold a river postion while we try to get in more supplies. Fail and we are all doomed. <P> -------------------------------- <P> Set in the high noon of the day this is a very fast paced mission. Select the number of tanks you wish to fight and go at it. Easy = 1 Medium = 2 Hard = 3 Tanks are not the only threat. Protect your generators and turrets from Horde infantry. <P> Good Luck and have fun!
Add Comment/me needs to jump in on this
by Alundra on January 30, 2002 Permalink · Rating:/me needs to jump in on this s/p buisness
Um Somebody Grade this or at
by Capto Lamia on February 2, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Um Somebody Grade this or at least comment plz. I want to know if you want more SP maps to play.
It's a good single player map
by zodiacyborgx on February 3, 2002 Permalink · Rating:It's a good single player map (and a good idea for a new trend, I love single player missions, no k3wl d00ds to mess it up), but I really expected more bot opposition other than those pesky tanks.
A good idea yes, but it
by Iczer3 on February 3, 2002 Permalink · Rating:A good idea yes, but it definately needs more enemy bots that come at you in different armors as opposed to just the heavies walking in and the meds in the tanks...
I still can't believe it !! U
by great hog on February 9, 2002 Permalink · Rating:I still can't believe it !! U got the AI bots in the tank !! The clarity in the water was unbelievable. Great map.
You actually got bots to
by RenegadeWarrior on February 10, 2002 Permalink · Rating:You actually got bots to operate a tank? This I gotta see. By the way, I like SP missions. Can you create one where you have teammates?
it would be cool if you could
by Deathscythe~40 on February 10, 2002 Permalink · Rating:it would be cool if you could turn this into a multiplayer cooperative mission...all humans against the horde or somthing...
Oops, this map does have
by RenegadeWarrior on February 10, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Oops, this map does have teammates. Heheh I made last comment while dling. I like deathscythe's idea.
by LJ Walker on February 22, 2002 Permalink · Rating:MORE SINGLE PLAYER!!
(come on guys join the chant) lol
I love to play single player missions (to freshen up on my skills every once in a while you know) And I wouldn't mind more of them.
i played it and the tanks
by snyperpunk_LP on March 7, 2002 Permalink · Rating:i played it and the tanks never showed up!
What was the point of this
by deafmellon on April 28, 2002 Permalink · Rating:What was the point of this map? It looked good, but I found it pointless. Needs alittle more action, to much down time.
looks like someone uses auto
by Gorthaur on May 31, 2002 Permalink · Rating:looks like someone uses auto rocket.. auto anything is lame.. should be banned
anyways.. this is a great map
by Gorthaur on June 8, 2002 Permalink · Rating:anyways.. this is a great map, it is challenging and fun, but the only problems are it is kind of short and sometimes the last bad guy gets stuck in his tower and you have to go and kill him to win. make some more!
Hey capto lamia. Great map
by Cyborg_Boba_fet on June 11, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Hey capto lamia. Great map by the way. I really need a mission scripter like you for my starship troopers mod. if you want to help then send me a e-mail at [email protected]
This map is pretty good apart
by Riddell on July 26, 2002 Permalink · Rating:This map is pretty good apart from the battles of which the smallest is with the tank
This Map has been updated.
by Capto Lamia on August 13, 2002 Permalink · Rating:This Map has been updated. Several Changes. 1 Less turret. Bots smarter. Mission is longer by about 2 min. Has its own gui now. If your file is 1.9 mb please redownload it. You will need the new one to play the 2nd mission.
This map was very cool at
by Monkey-Man666 on September 19, 2002 Permalink · Rating:This map was very cool at first, I was stupid enough to try and load it in a lan game. I played first on easy, and it was too easy, I played on hard, it was too hard. It was pretty short with only about 10 derms to kill on easy... should have been in the upper hundreds (Less skill, more derms) But otherwise, Good Job :D
it was a great idea n all but
by frenzylock on October 17, 2003 Permalink · Rating:it was a great idea n all but wut u need is more maps like this to go in a series