Dream-state by Ephemeron on November 6, 2002

Capture and Hold Capture the Flag Defend and Destroy Other Clear Night

This map is different than just about anything I've seen... the basic idea of fighting on a glasslike surface came to me in a dream, as the name sort of indicates.

Gameplay should be fast, with high visibility, open flags, and gravity accelerators to give you a boost. An elevated central platform makes an effective base for mortar spamming the flags and vehicle pads. The platform is not capturable, but the team that controls it should have an advantage.

Base rapers and tower trashers should like this map, as the gen room is fairly easily camped, as are the forward towers.

The map can also be played on Capture and Hold or Defend and Destroy.


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by Ephemeron on November 9, 2002 · Rating:

well I thought I had all the bugs out, but ... I found one that didn't show up until I played the map with someone else.. At low angles, players on the surface sometimes will be invisible, it's a fog bug that was easily fixed. You can get a fixed version at this location until it is updated here.

by Ensign Munro on November 12, 2002 · Rating:

Great job Eph. I didn't think that you could make a map like this. Hell, i didn't even know you made this map until today. Great work!

by starstriker1 on May 31, 2003 · Rating:

Great map! You have the atmosphere down pat. I can't believe its sever side... the map would be better without vehicles though. They just end up as capper fortresses. Plus, brush the "ground" with a shrike and you suffer an explosion... But all in all, its a great map. I didn't mind playing it for an hour at the pickup. Sweet water...