Bounty Capture and Hold Capture the Flag Deathmatch Hunters Rabbit Siege Team Hunters Snow Storming Bots Night
This once beautiful outflung StarWorlf world was taken by the Derm forces during it's inhabitant's tenure in the war. The snowfields were turned to vast mining tracts, with bridges marring the view and pollution clouding the sky. The Bioderms had left by the time the humans returned, but that didn't make the loss any more bearable.
The atmosphere of this map is dark, and perhaps forboding. Despite the lower fog grounds (which provides cloak pack users quite a bit of cover) the upper air is clear, providing snipers with a perfect atmosphere.
All base gametypes are supported, and the Bots work absolutely great. (For Bots)
Siege is a challange, without being impossible.
CnH has 5 far-spread towers, stretching offense, yet being defendable.
CTF is a lot of fun, because of the visibility, but there are a few Sentry turrets in the middle to discourage people from taking a straight line between flags.
There are weapon caches around the map, and while the Mortar is disallowed from the Inventories, they can be found in two locations, near the main bases.
ForceFields are powered by generators in a secondary bases a ways from the Main bases, but under the fog.
Some of the problems I encountered were the invisible generators providing power even though they were unseen, (thus letting Siege forcefields be visible in CTF) and I can only say thanks to those in the Tribes2Forums that this map ever made it out.
CleverClothe (for everything)
Dev and Alingis (scripting)
Kid7aze and BinderAJ (beta testing)
Hundin666 (Siege gameplay)
Thanks to all, and have fun!
Add CommentTinyFishy, thank you so much
by Dr. Pimento on May 25, 2002 Permalink · Rating:TinyFishy, thank you so much for pointing out the error. A corrected version of the map has been sent to Bytor, and this map should be updated posthaste. Servers, fear no more!
Have you tested/proved the
by Dr. Pimento on May 23, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Have you tested/proved the Mortar issue? I just re-looked at my .MIS file, and in the GameOver function, it's supposed to set the InventoryBan to FALSE.. is it not working as expected?
nice map, but two problems:
by a tiny fishie on May 23, 2002 Permalink · Rating:nice map, but two problems: it's not truly serverside since it uses textures from the dynamix final pack. and if you put this map on your server, no one will be able to use mortars on ANY map because this map disables mortars for EVERY map on the server.
whoops, this map doesn't use
by a tiny fishie on May 23, 2002 Permalink · Rating:whoops, this map doesn't use the dynamix final pack textures (shattered paradise does, though). the mortar issue still stands, however.
this map rocks! cant wait ta
by snyperpunk_LP on May 19, 2002 Permalink · Rating:this map rocks! cant wait ta see the next one in the series.
...Shattered Paradise, which
by Dr. Pimento on May 16, 2002 Permalink · Rating:...Shattered Paradise, which is now out!
...Does no one wish to rate my maps? Really.. I have to improve, and feedback is the best way I can see to do that..
Just a thought.
Very nice map. The bots are
by Death Lobster on May 2, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Very nice map. The bots are very intellegent. All of the game play types are all diverse, interesting and fun to play. Keep the good maps coming!
This is server side!?!?!??!
by snyperpunk_LP on May 2, 2002 Permalink · Rating:This is server side!?!?!??! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah.. This, and the next 3
by Dr. Pimento on May 2, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Yeah.. This, and the next 3 of my maps will all be SS, while making them look as original as possible.
Before anyone thinks
by Dr. Pimento on May 3, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Before anyone thinks otherwise, it's not like I just threw in alternate gametypes. Each one is different, with the most drastic change being between CTF and Siege. The other gametypes were not an afterthought!
I thought this map was preaty
by Alundra on May 3, 2002 Permalink · Rating:I thought this map was preaty cool. You spent a lot of time on this obvisously, they wps got kinda screwed up in siege though, but besides that I think the whol atmosphere and feel just kicked ass. Its amazing how you can still make a map feel completely new and original withought worldcraft or customs.
For all of you that are
by Dr. Pimento on May 9, 2002 Permalink · Rating:For all of you that are interested, I'm working on another map in this series: Shattered Paradise. A key feature of these maps will be their bot support: intelligent gameplay will be striven for. Stay tuned!
..and the upload is in.
by Dr. Pimento on May 25, 2002 Permalink · Rating:..and the upload is in. Download to your heart's content.
HEY GREAT Map maybe we could
by DSEZKiller on May 26, 2002 Permalink · Rating:HEY GREAT Map maybe we could work together sometime
lol, i see my name up in the
by Hundin666 on June 29, 2002 Permalink · Rating:lol, i see my name up in the description. good map though.
Does anyone else have a
by Hawkin 87 on July 26, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Does anyone else have a really bad framerate on this map?
Disables mortars ?? Bad
by Lexor on July 29, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Disables mortars ?? Bad mapper !! Lucky it doesn't do so with Rev mod, where this map plays well. Good atmosphere and really fun, intense play.
Hehe.. well, it's such a
by Dr. Pimento on July 30, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Hehe.. well, it's such a short distance to the bases.. plus, if you manage to find them, there are two spots under the fog where you can get the mortar. Just for fun. (ie: if you want it that badly, you can have it) Glad your mod likes it, Lexor..
If anyone plays this map and
by Dr. Pimento on August 8, 2002 Permalink · Rating:If anyone plays this map and has suggestions for improvement, the page has a place where I am remaking maps, and taking all comments.
Woohoo! 1000 downloads..
by Dr. Pimento on August 17, 2002 Permalink · Rating:Woohoo! 1000 downloads.. thanks everyone.. this is cool to me. (happy)
It deserves higher than an "A
by Jugger d on December 27, 2002 Permalink · Rating:It deserves higher than an "A+" but still... This map is awsome Dr. P. I planned on commenting earlier I just never do this sort of thing though. Great job I love the use of terrain and beautiful scenery. The fog adds a great texture or does anyone understand what I'm trying to say?
We understand you, but we'll
by starstriker1 on January 25, 2003 Permalink · Rating:We understand you, but we'll make fun of you anyways! =)
I love this whole map series.
by Mr Tagomi on March 27, 2003 Permalink · Rating:I love this whole map series. I also think it's very brave of you to make the maps available for every gametype you can. You are one of my favourite mappers, and I think its great the way you have created great bots for loads of your maps. Can I make a suggestion? Why not release a 'mappers tips' guide, not a tutorial, but a cool index of good and bad things to include in maps, ideas that work well and ones that don't etc.
by paint_it_black on April 4, 2003 Permalink · Rating:Wow!
is the disabled mortar fixed?
by Master_01 on July 7, 2003 Permalink · Rating:is the disabled mortar fixed?
Shattered Dreams, brings many
by Riavan on October 11, 2003 Permalink · Rating:Shattered Dreams, brings many map types together, to enjoy in a spiritual journey into a frozen starwolf wasteland.
The atmosphere is absolutely amazing, Fog covers the low ground, with flimsy buildings and armor caches scattered about. You almost feel some kind of horrible alien is going to jump out and eat you. As you enter the high ground you can see the array or stars overhead, the snowy white capped mountain tops and the all consuming fog below(which I am always wary of). Massive bridges reach across from Mountin top to mountain top, its truely impressive to play and view.
The Bases are gaint spiderlooking outposts stuck into the sides of massive hills. Easy access will get you into the base, via the top and bottom. This makes for awesome games of every game type bar CTF, where people tend to like to hunt around in the enemy base. Other than that one base is slightly higher than the other, I believe this might be for seige? But alas it takes the balance down a notch for CTF maps. You will definatly see alot of offense on this map, but due to the easy base access, you will often have to fight to reclaim your base.
The lack of motars of course makes for a much cleaning, less spam gameplay.
Overall this map is truely something you deserve to play at least once in your life, so treat yourself give it a go.
While this is an infinitly
by starstriker1 on October 11, 2003 Permalink · Rating:While this is an infinitly belated grading... this map is AWESOME, and I especially like the feel. A tip, though: the fog ALLWAYS lags everything up. Its never different: entering the fog chops the framerate into quarters.
It was, after all, my first
by Dr. Pimento on October 14, 2003 Permalink · Rating:It was, after all, my first real map..
(the other two were CARP, kinda. ;))
This is a well done map and
by Commando Justin on December 5, 2003 Permalink · Rating:This is a well done map and allows a variety of gameplay but the seige version is pretty confusing it took me a little to figure it out and it also is confusing to people who are playing this map for the first time. But it is a goood map.
This is one amazingly good
by Terrenteller on December 14, 2003 Permalink · Rating:This is one amazingly good map! And its SS to!!!
Its well.... foggy. the
by kLUMSY bOT on July 4, 2004 Permalink · Rating:Its well.... foggy. the ambience is nice, but the fog is overdone.
by liebestoter on August 10, 2004 Permalink · Rating:WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO what a great map best fog crear air mix ever
Very creepy. Definitely
by Jake Silver on December 18, 2004 Permalink · Rating:Very creepy. Definitely catches the feeling like no book or photograph could. Don't know why, but there's just something more vivid about playing it than reading or seeing a picture. I LOVE the web of bridges all over the place, and this map does kicketh buttocks on the MD2 mod.
W00t commentz!
by Dr. Pimento on April 5, 2005 Permalink · Rating:W00t commentz!