Bounty Capture the Flag Deathmatch Hunters Other Rabbit Team Hunters Lush Foggy Client Side Custom Textures Custom Shapes
Well this is my first city atemp. My next one will be much much better. But I mise well test what people think of this one first.
Well their are bases for CTF. they are like a big 4 or 5 story apartment. With a vehicle station. And about 4 invos.
If you are missing anything please tell me. Its hard to keep track of what to put in and stuff if you have all this other crap kicking around.
Add CommentOh and another thing. I
by Cyborg_Boba_fet on February 8, 2003 Permalink · Rating:Oh and another thing. I think that this mission is a snipers heaven. but thats just what I think ;)
god DAMN man! This place
by Lead Falcon on February 8, 2003 Permalink · Rating:god DAMN man! This place looks like quite a playground. Textures are a big cartoonish but who's complaining? Can't say how it will play but it's definitely creative...
great start,this city was.
by PsychoBorg on February 8, 2003 Permalink · Rating:great start,this city was. well short. i hope you have taller buildings in your next map and i cant wait to see them ;)
i have this vision of shiny skyscrapers :)
I should give you an F for
by Red Shifter on February 8, 2003 Permalink · Rating:I should give you an F for leaving out Siege, but on to more pressing issues... first of all, it looks like a pure FPS killer. How is the FPS on this map?
Why did you just pull the
by Celios on February 8, 2003 Permalink · Rating:Why did you just pull the textures from PSP? It'd look a lot better with some custom touches...
Red. My main goal was to
by Cyborg_Boba_fet on February 9, 2003 Permalink · Rating:Red. My main goal was to achive low FPS. So I portaled all them little buildings and the big ones. And lowered the visible distance and tweeked some other stuff. and now the FPS I belive are very good for this amount of visible distance.
And I guess you could rant a little at me for using SOME PSP textures. but the roof textures is one i sorta made. Because it used to be a fish scale then i shrunk it down to fit into t2 then i also recoloured it. The carpet textures and pavement textures and sidewalk textures and street post and road block textures are all somewhat textures from PSP but they are not totaly from it. i just took a color. selected to texture it then i had to tune everything to make it look right. but the wood and the bricks are already made textures so i would just need to scale it to fit. I only do this because its easyer and faster to make them.
someones gotta make an arena
by peterisgod on February 9, 2003 Permalink · Rating:someones gotta make an arena map out of the citymaps, that would kick ass
well if you want to use this
by Cyborg_Boba_fet on February 10, 2003 Permalink · Rating:well if you want to use this map as arena all you really have to do is open the .mis and add arena to the gametypes.
Definatly one of the better
by Iczer3 on February 10, 2003 Permalink · Rating:Definatly one of the better city-themed maps available. It doesn't KILL your FPS, but they will take a bit of a hit. I liked it quite a bit actually... We be addicted to the Construction Mod eh Cyborg? (I can see quite a lot of things commonly done in the mod on this map). One little nitpicking thing though, your two flag bases have a couple of 'oops...'s in them. First is the ramps, two of them jut out under the floor they're supposed to end at, or is that area supposed to be some type of extra "Deploy turret here" type areas? Also the BE Vbay is pretty high in comparison to the other teams. Other than that it's worth putting on servers that DO use CS maps. It has one heck of a Counter-Strike "rats" feeling to it...
I would probably love this
by R7X3 on February 14, 2003 Permalink · Rating:I would probably love this map... if it had bot support, looks great, but isnt much use to me without bots, so i cant really give it a grade.
Well their was bots. But on
by Cyborg_Boba_fet on February 15, 2003 Permalink · Rating:Well their was bots. But on CTF they jus stood their. And on most the other ones they just like hopped around n stuff. so i didn't bother cause it was like another 2 meg to the .vl2
by Cyborg_Boba_fet on February 15, 2003 Permalink · Rating:ahahahaha...
I think i should tell you this. Right when you start you should deploy a invo station somewhere because i think that i forgot to add a repair pack. if i did I cannot find it. I may have hid it in a building. So if you can find it tell me lol.
Heh, hey Fett, ever try
by Iczer3 on February 24, 2003 Permalink · Rating:Heh, hey Fett, ever try constructing a building with the Construction Mod on this map? I am right now (well, not RIGHT now, I'm at college...), on the cliffside. ;)
well not really. never
by Cyborg_Boba_fet on February 25, 2003 Permalink · Rating:well not really. never really played it on construction too much. tho i did play it on some servers that were running it ones day.
ok, the building file is up
by Iczer3 on March 6, 2003 Permalink · Rating:ok, the building file is up in the construction mod forums Cyborg! Go get it! :)
No Bot support.
by worftheklingon on March 24, 2003 Permalink · Rating:No Bot support.
OMG this map freaks me out...
by Mr Tagomi on March 29, 2003 Permalink · Rating:OMG this map freaks me out... look at all the little suburban houses... it's so weird! AAA! /me runs off screaming
the map might look realy bad
by doffencom on April 11, 2003 Permalink · Rating:the map might look realy bad .. but its quite funny =)
This "city" :) would be the
by Terrenteller on December 15, 2003 Permalink · Rating:This "city" :) would be the BOMB if it had bot support and seige! But I still like it.
Tiz Map Suzks, Ie Mede ma
by SU182 on October 26, 2004 Permalink · Rating:Tiz Map Suzks, Ie Mede ma mutiped aud reind iy sical lefe.
I'm sorry, but this map is
by _Tex on November 25, 2004 Permalink · Rating:I'm sorry, but this map is just ridiculous looking... I give a C- cause I don't believe in giving F's. Slightly more serious looks would've made this a considerably better map.