Pelennor Fields by )( BAHRE )( on December 7, 2003

Capture the Flag Lush Raining Client Side

This is my first map, I hope it works right. The map consists of a open but protected flag, long sprawling fields, and a main base with a tower and V-pad. THIS IS A SICK MAP!!!


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by peterisgod on December 8, 2003 · Rating:

Very good for your first map, good details went into this map. But, 3 things I found could use improvement: The gens can be spammed from far away, and since the D needs gens to survive, I think they should be harder to get at. And 2, I didnt find any safe grabbing routes, and not enough pick up speed on the ones that are there. And last, the bases are to much of a cluster, which also makes it much harder to get the flag. But other than that, good map and good attention to detail, even out of play area is fun to shrike around in.