Long March Home by a_monkey on May 20, 2004

Capture the Flag Lush Foggy

This is my second map. This map was designed with RevMod in mind.

Basically, it consists of 2 large (350m long) ships and a crashed lander in the middle. In the ships there are 2 internal v-pads, each capable of producing air vehicles only. Inside the ship, there is a teleporter system that allows you to travel between levels of the ship, and one teleporter that transports you to a concealed teleporter on the ground. There are 3 generators, each powering a different system. There is also a catwalk on the underside of the ship running from the central teleporter area to the front turret, where the gens for the defenses are held.

The flag is kept behind a team only ff on the top level in the turret platform. Teamwork is required to retrieve it.


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by kLUMSY bOT on May 21, 2004 · Rating:

i must say that i dont like the way ss mappers "tack" on buildings to make new shapes. however, this one is done with skill! looks good! everything looks like it "fits" to make an impressive ship considering you have limit tools.

by Lagg_Alot on May 24, 2004 · Rating:

At first glance of those screen shots I thought it was a new base! But the whole map is made of Scaled, Rotated and in some cases Upside Down base Interiors. Must have been a lot of work. And FPS is not to bad either. I like the underbase walkways.

My Bot has a Chaingun for you.

by a_monkey on May 24, 2004 · Rating:

heh... thanks.

yeah that was really... frustrating but in the end it was worth it.