Probably gonna maul your FPS, dont expect to see this on any servers or anything tbh. :) Just u/ling for a few ppl to get a hold of it. This was created originally for the T2 UKLAN but was not finnished in time
Everything Tribes. Maps. Scripts. Styles. More.
Probably gonna maul your FPS, dont expect to see this on any servers or anything tbh. :) Just u/ling for a few ppl to get a hold of it. This was created originally for the T2 UKLAN but was not finnished in time
Add Commentwell looks like you put allot
by Cyborg_Boba_fet on July 6, 2004 Permalink · Rating:well looks like you put allot of work into this.
tho maybe it would have been better if you had custom interiors? because i mean you already have to download it.
Yea, i woulda done custom
by The Driver on July 7, 2004 Permalink · Rating:Yea, i woulda done custom interiors making the whole think white etc, but i havent a clue what to use or how to use whatever is needed to make interiors in T2 :) Just did the best i could with what I had :p
If you don't know, ask. The
by starstriker1 on July 9, 2004 Permalink · Rating:If you don't know, ask. The forums are meant for that. We'll gladly point you towards worldcraft. ;)
Screenshots aren't bad. I
by Sfphinx on March 22, 2005 Permalink · Rating:Screenshots aren't bad. I will have to take a look at it more closely.