This is a fairly small map flags are 610m apart. There are2 vehical pads behind base. The vehical pads have there own generators that are in a bunker inbetween them. With the force field generator down the vehical gens are very easy for a bomber to destroy. There are 2 towers that has a sensor, turret, and solar panel on top of it. The solar panels powers everything on tower. The visable distance is 300m
Add CommentI must say this map is
by Verna on April 10, 2005 Permalink · Rating:I must say this map is terrific. I also looked at the rest of your maps and they all look very impressive. They are very creative and they look pretty cool. Be proud of your work!
I recognize this map as the
by dick longfellow on April 10, 2005 Permalink · Rating:I recognize this map as the one that I played on Miami Vehicles earlier. This map is very ideal for any tactic a team might come up with, so as you can imagine a lot of crazy stuff happened. It was pretty well balanced while still providing furious action. The only thing that keeps me from giving it an A+ was the fact that I had the hardest time finding a repair pack (and stuff does tend to be destroyed alot in this map!)